
Animatic for Holsten



Lightning strikes and illuminates the eerie scene of a containership that is trying to enter storm-battered port. One man braves the elements, climbs the hull of the steely giant and arrives at the bridge to greet the nervous captain.

But just as the tough guy has taken over the steering wheel the situation takes a dramatic turn...


Holsten portraits the rough daily routine of a pilot working in the Hamburg harbour, where precarious situations that lead to large large scale drama can ensue anytime.
Luckily there is a bottle of delicious Holsten Pilsener waiting as reward for a day of hard labor!

As creators of the TVC concept, Philipp & Keuntje assigned us to an animatic that would look and feel like the trailer of a Hollywood action blockbuster. Eric (Pencils) and Ernesto (Colors) worked on the highly athmospheric illustrations that our operator crew was happy to animate in an effectful way.




Topics: On Air, Key Visual, Animatic